Ladue School District // Conway & Reed Elementary Gymnasiums (Preliminary Design Only)

The Client
Ladue School District
Project Type
PreK-12, Tornado Safe Rooms
St. Louis, MO

As phase one of a design-build proposal, Paragon Architecture worked with S.M. Wilson & Co. construction company on the preliminary designs for Reed and Conway Elementary School Gymnasium Safe Rooms.  It was important that the exterior design complimented the district’s existing structures.  The interior design of the two proposed elementary school gyms reflect school pride through the use of Ladue’s signature school colors, and the facilities include modern fixtures and finishes throughout.  One design feature includes nooks that are carved out in the lobby spaces to encourage gathering and interaction within the space.  Several design options presented to the school district included integrating storm-rated windows into the hardened structure,  which would allow natural light to pour into each gymnasium.

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